lördag 16 januari 2010


Am currently overwelmed by the Haiti disaster. Being an african am shocked beyond hope by the situation in Haiti. Why is it that major african countries cannot govern a country well. Its not only Haiti but nearly all african countries. Greed and selfishness is one major problem in these countries. No-one thinks about the future, the major players only think about themselves at that moment and what they are getting at that moment. No-one comes with a good idea for our children future. Its a pity that haiti has to suffer like it is now. With all the help available yet some stupid leaders are advicing people to riot and not to take biscuits or water purifying tabletts,since they think they have expired. Talk of illitracy and Lack of knowledge being the factor.

It was only last month that I received a newsletter about Haiti and how the poor people were eating mad biscuits because of lack of food and how a woman had gone to have a stomach operation but due to lack of funds the doctor left the wound open. The woman was walking around with a leaking wound, just imagine. And now with the disaster,do you think that the people have softened? I dont think so. That country needs alot of help from every corner and a stop to voodooism. But all the same,may those who perished rest in peace.